Low-cost and simple charging solutions for apartment buildings
eONE - Unlock your Access
eONE provides automatic payment distribution, access management, and dynamic load balancing for apartment buildings and Individuals.
Usage data and automatic payment distribution for each user with or without direct connection to the apartment building billing service.
Access to the apartment building charging stations with the eONE key
Load balancing of the charging stations
Installation and hosting of the apartment buildings charging network**
Good cooperation with sellers and installers of the charging stations
10% commission on total usage per month
Serivce Inquiry
Send an inquiry to a consultant and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
*Mæling er lesin frá 16. degi fyrri mánaðar – 15. dags næsta mánaðar. Afvirkjun aðgangs er tilkynnt á www.e1.is fyrir 15. hvers mánaðar. Ekki er lokað fyrir aðgang ef um ræðir skemmri tíma en einn mánuð.
**Hleðsluþjónusta e1 annast þjónustu við hleðslunet í eigu húsfélagsins en rekstur hleðslustöðvanna er á ábyrgð húsfélagsins.